Manipulation of the body with the intention of curing it is probably as old as man himself. The instinct to press our head when we are in pain or rub a sore muscle or part of the body is at the heart of this healing technique. Historically, this natural instinct for healing touch has been developed and systematized to a high degree in many Asian cultures, where massage is an important part of traditional healing systems.
Thai massage, Thai yoga massage or Thai yoga therapy are names commonly used in the West, while in Thailand it is known as nuat phaen boran (traditional style massage) or nuat thai (Thai massage). Based on a combination of influences from India, China and indigenous Thai traditions, this art form has been passed down through the generations mainly by word of mouth and is practiced today throughout Thailand in various forms. Thai massage has now become extremely popular in the West, and among the fastest growing massage modalities in the United States over the past decade.
This Eastern form of therapy is focused on the body (whole) and the mind at the same time and involves working with energy fields and channels that surround and permeate the body. This massage relaxes and fills you with energy at the same time. It is ideal for everyone, regardless of age, degree of flexibility or stiffness and general fitness.
1. It is not done on a massage table (although it can), but on the ground - futon, and can be performed anywhere - on the carpet, towel, on the beach, etc.
2. The client is fully clothed (except for the feet)
3. No oil is used
A complete Thai massage includes a combination of acupressure and yoga stretching. Unlike other forms of massage, it includes a broader aspect of the elements:
1. Acupressure and pressure on a specific part of the body (thumb, fingers, elbow, knee, heel)
2. Yoga - stretching in almost all directions, passive and dynamic (therapist performs yoga positions with your body or body parts)
3. Massage
4. Tapping, tapping
5. Cracking and pushing
In Thailand, THAI MASSAGE is viewed as an energy work rather than a physical one - BODYWORK. The reason is that the traditional therapist is not guided by anatomical structures or physiological principles but by a canal energy network following a tangled network of 72,000 sen (Thai word meaning “path” or “line”) throughout the body.
Acupressure points are located along these channels (sen), which are used by a Thai massage therapist to balance (stimulate or calm, relax) vital energy (fracture), thus affecting the mind and body of the patient and encouraging the natural healing process._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Sen lines are central to Thai massage theory: even yoga-like positions and other stretches that are an integral part of Thai massage for primary purposes have work on sen energy channels, while only a secondary purpose is to improve flexibility and strength._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Another important mechanism of this massage is manifested in the balance of essential elements. Traditional Thai medicine follows the Buddha's teaching that the human being is composed of five states ("Panca Khanda"):
1. body; 2. feelings; 3. recognition; 4. thought; _cc781905-5 -136bad5cf58d_ 5. consciousness
These five states are the union of body and mind. Every man is born on the basis of Panca Khanda. The body is composed of four elements. These are earth , water , air and fire . All four elements are interconnected and must be balanced.
The Earth element represents 20 organs and parts of the body (hair, hair, nails, teeth, skin, muscles, tendons, bones, bone marrow, spleen, heart, liver, ligaments, kidneys, lungs, colon, intestines, stomach, rectum and brain . "Earth" outside the body is made up of matter such as trees, table, cars and all solids.Thai massage affects the earth element on muscles, bones and ligaments.
The element of water consists of the fluid part of life, which flows and is absorbed into the body. The water element resides in the earth element and needs a wind / air element to move. The element of water consists of approximately 12 substances that the body creates. These are: bile, mucus, lymph, blood, sweat, liquid fat, solid fat, tears, saliva, nasal mucus, synovial fluid (lubrication of the joints) and urine.
Fluids outside the body include water in the general environment such as rain, rivers, soil moisture, and all liquid forms.
Thai massage stimulates the water element to flow normally throughout the body and helps maintain healthy organ function.
The element brought by the wind makes it light and circulating throughout the body. It is the part of life that gives energy to move in all activities and functions. There are six types of air (wind) energy flows within the body. First the wind blowing from the lower to the upper body. Second, the wind that blows from the upper to the lower body. Third, the wind that blows inside the abdominal cavity but outside the stomach and intestines. The fourth is the wind that flows inside the stomach and intestines. The fifth wind is flowing through the whole body through the circulation of blood, and the sixth wind is the breath through inhaling and exhaling. Wind outside the body consists of air and wind in the atmosphere. Thai massage helps direct the wind element to flow in the right direction for the well-being of the body.
The element of fire consists of the heat and energy of life. Fire has the nature of heating, burning and destroying. This feature applies to other elements as it helps the wind and water in the body to flow with the right temperature and heat energy. Fire maintains the heat of the earth element to keep the body healthy. There are four types of fire element within the body. First a fire that keeps the body warm and located near the lungs. Second, the fire that creates unrest located near the heart. The third is the fire that digests the food that is in the digestive organs. The fourth and final is the fire that causes the decay of the body and is located in the lower part of the body. The fire element outside the body is found in the rays of the sun, fire and heat from other sources that can burn and destroy. Thai massage improves circulation and helps maintain proper levels of this element in the body.

Balancing all four basic elements of life is the key to maintaining good health. An imbalance can cause disease. The soil needs water to maintain moisture; wind to maintain its shape and support movement; and fire to generate heat to prevent degeneration.
Water flows inside the earth and relies on wind to circulate. The wind relies on water and land for its movement. Fire radiates energy to keep all the elements in a healthy state & balance. All four elements must be in harmony and balance in order to achieve your inner wellness, ie health in the full sense of the word. insured. Any blockade of Saint-Sibe can be the result of a lack of balance between these elements of life.
Applying Thai massage by applying direct pressure to the muscles of the whole body, combined with stretching to further stimulate the musculoskeletal system including joints, bones, nerves, ligaments and lymphatic system, benefits all body organ systems ( increases flexibility and muscle function - helps with swollen lymph nodes and joint pain - relaxes muscles burdened by physical exertion and relieves cramps - reduces chronic pain - helps with problems with the spine and other extremities - balances the work of the whole organism - stimulates circulation and lymphatic drainage - helps fight cellulite, deepens breathing, improves digestion and reduces hypertension and normalizes heart function).

In terms of spiritual well-being, Thai massage is based on working on the elements of life and Sen Sib (life energy). It has a huge positive impact on the spirit. If the massage is performed as an energetically connected and uninterrupted sequence in which the breath, spirit and heart of the therapist and recipient merge and connect - it is like a wonderful meditation, in which all boundaries cease, leaving only unlimited possibilities and freedom of spirit.
Thai massage causes a feeling of complete relaxation, which reduces stress & fatigue from daily work or hectic lifestyle. In some people it comes to it has a very positive effect of relieving stress and trauma from the past, which have been stored in the mind for some time. Massage brings mental peace and relaxation resulting in increased creativity and a sense of happiness.

Thai massage improves bonding within the family. Since ancient times, it has been a traditional custom for children to massage the elderly, and the elderly help each other when they need to soothe and alleviate body pain. Human touch increases the feeling of love and care between the giver and receiver.
Thai massage helps the recipient maintain health and personal wellness. It is an ancient tool used to fight against common diseases and to increase the mobility of the body and human health. Thai massage also helps to achieve longevity due to the strengthening of immunity and vital energy.
Prevention is more than half of health. Thai massage has a great and significant role in the prevention of numerous problems; since it removes one of the biggest causes of all diseases - weak circulation. The techniques used in Thai massage prevent and help with decubitus (which occurs when the patient lies in one position for too long), muscle weakness, headaches, menstrual cramps, constipation, indigestion, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, insomnia, stress, etc. If a person suffers from certain ailments, Thai massage helps in awakening one's own vital forces, our inner healer. In this way, it helps with pain, sprains, and inflammation of muscles, tendons, and joints, as well as reducing joint stiffness. It increases muscle strength and mobility.
It has also been effectively applied for the purpose of rehabilitation of handicapped children and is used in the Foundation for Disabled Children in Bangkok. The center trains parents of disabled children to independently apply Thai massage to infants to improve their health. It has been shown that improvements occur when performing certain motor tasks. It has been observed that some children are able to sit up after continuous therapy with Thai massage, and some are able to feed themselves.
Do not eat for at least 2 hours before the massage. Bring comfortable clothes, a sports bra and a beach towel for the massage.