See sea Sup yoga is an interesting and fun form of yoga practice that they enjoy both beginners and advanced yoga practitioners. It is ideal for the whole family, a group of friends, if you want to cool off, bathe and exercise ... It is specific in that it is practiced on a board (sup) that is at sea - it can be free or tied to a central floating platform. Because it is done at sea, the surface is less stable, which provides a new experience for exercisers.
There are many benefits to practicing yoga in this way:
Breathing techniques at sea bring much greater benefits due to infection
The mind enters the relax zone more easily
Much more focus and balance is needed due to the more unstable surface, which forces the mind to be in the present moment (if not - you will quickly find yourself in the sea)
It makes you slow down the rhythm of exercise, to make your body aware - to maintain balance with the help of the breath
There is no muscle that is not involved in performing asanas on the soup - especially in standing positions - the legs become toned because they coordinate contraction and relaxation in the finest way, as well as the central torso that muscularly coordinates the upper and lower body, and there is 3. chakra - which we say is the center of energy and motor skills. In this way, even though we are on an unstable surface, at sea - we are working hard on "grounding" - both physically and mentally.
The experiences of our SUPer practitioners speak the most about sup yoga.
"U sat vremena sup joge stane: shvaćanje sadašnjeg trenutka kao jedinog oruđa koje održava balans života, poimanje snage prirode, važnost timskog rada te sreća uzrokovana padom nakon kojeg novo balansiranje postaje samo zabava lišena straha od neuspjeha! Namaste – I. M." SUP……Sve ono što ti se čini da si svladao na kopnu, na dasci postaje izazov. Svaki i najmanji pokret glavom ili okret stopala zahtjeva aktivaciju svih mišića. Kretnje su sporije, koncentracija maksimalna, trenutak potpuno svjestan. I taman kad pomisliš da sasvim dobro balansiraš u trokutu, padaš. Ali i to je ok, jer dižeš se, udahneš i kreneš ponovo uz osmijeh. Zagarantirana dobra zabava, a ostalo ” kol’ ko iđe, iđe. – N. H Sup jogu opisala bih kao jedinstveno iskustvo; zabavno, izazovno i, ono najvažnije, ‘tjera’ vas da cijelo vrijeme budete potpuno prisutni i usklađeni s trenutkom! – E. L. Stava da je nemoguće odraditi jogu na supu ,a da pritom ostaneš miran i u sadašnjem trenutku, prisilio me da odlučim probati. Osjećaj koji sam doživila doveo me do mišljenja da je jedino nemoguće ne biti u sadašnjem trenutku i pritom ne uživati. Preporučam svima, a ja se bilježim opet!!! Hvala L&S!!! – M. G. Yoga na supu je bilo jedno novo, predivno iskustvo. Teško je riječima opisati mirnoću duha i tijela koja se osjeća kada se stope pokret, voda i sunce. – F. G. Jedinstveno iskustvo, spoj izazova radi nestabilnosti podloge te mira i relaksacije koju pruža yoga, more i svježi zrak. – A. Š. Predivno iskustvo, zagarantirana zabava zahvaljujući nestabilnoj podlozi ali i instant izgradnja samopouzdanja, svi mišići aktivni, dobro društvo, a sve ostalo je sunce, more, smijeh i duboki dah! Čista terapija! – K. Č. Prvi susret sa yogom. Promatram profil ljudi. Svi različiti. Mislim se o razlozima zašto su tu. Krenuli smo. Sigurna sam da će biti lako. Paf! Ne mogu se spojiti, povezati zvukove, misli, pokrete. Trudim se bolje skoncentrirati. Promatram jednu djevojku koja je izvodila vježbe jednostavno, izgledala potpuno mirno, skladno. Njezina mirnoća je fascinantna. Potpuno neopterećena zvukovima, ljudima oko sebe. Samo mir. Shvaćam da je ovo prilika naučiti nestati iz turbulentne svakodnevnice i uroniti u dubinu čistila, neopterećenosti, lakoće, tišine koje se odričemo svaki dan u ime nečega što nam je nametnuto da moramo i da bi trebali. Namaste! -K. K Savršena jutarnja joga na supu sa mnogo zabave i odlične energije. Odličan način za započeti dan. - J.B. Baš ono što ti treba za dušu i tilo. - M.V.

Summer school of divine yoga - sup yoga instructor
Duration - 5 days
30 hours of intensive yoga
Practice - 20 hours
Theory - 10 hours
PRICE - €500
For all yoga instructors, kinesiologists, physiotherapists, animators in tourism, life coaches and all yoga lovers who want a different yoga experience surrounded by the blue sea and sky, and want to expand their knowledge and teaching skills, or just experience yoga. You can consider this program as a yoga retreat, where you will immerse yourself in yoga practice.
👉 The program can be completed during the entire summer season. Dates are arranged according to your inquiries. If you have not completed our 300-hour yoga instructor training program, this program is not included in the workbook. You can still complete this program, supplement your yoga experience, and receive our informal education certificate upon completion.
About the program manager
Leonarado has a master's degree in kinesiology, a long-term yoga and reiki teacher, and the leader and creator of a yoga instructor training program verified by the Ministry of Science and Education. He is the author of 4 titles on the topic of yoga, and in addition to yoga, he helps people with various treatments such as Thai massage, work with Tibetan bowls (massages and baths), acupressure, chakra healing... He is devoted to his yoga practice, he transmits the ancient tradition of yoga to modern, scientific and fun way. With his wife Sanja, he runs the Divine Yoga Studio in Šibenik. His work best describes the experience of students, and we share one with you...
I have practiced yoga before, but Leo's patient and personalized approach was not common. I especially want to point out the cheerfulness he encouraged us to have without fearing that his will be "spent"! The honesty and ease of working with practitioners of great age and all other differences indicates love for man - the greatest human virtue. - V.K.