Sanja and Leonardo currently run the Divine Yoga Studio in Šibenik, and through their individual and joint work they have introduced yoga to over a few thousand people.
The wealth we live and share with each other, as friends and life partners, we decided to share with everyone. All branches of Divine yoga (breathing techniques, Divine samadhi meditation, divine yoga asanas) have enriched and ennobled our lives, giving us the opportunity to make every day like a new day and a new beginning. We have the key to a healthier and happier life, and we want to share that key with everyone, through the programs and energy of the Divine Yoga Studio. We want everyone who comes to feel at home, and for our knowledge and energy to support them in life.

… Was born in Šibenik in 1984 and has been in love with sports since he was a child. In addition to studying kinesiology, he is also interested in yoga education and is completing a course for a teacher of pranayama / breathing techniques (Divine Health Program), meditation and yoga asanas in Divine Energy Park. 2011 he is also completing a teacher training course for Tibetan Reiki.
During his studies, he volunteered in various associations, such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society in Split, where he designed and implemented a yoga program with members of the association.
He also has experience working with children with cerebral palsy.
Ever since he met yoga and his teacher Swami Urgay in 2004, he has been passionately committed to the practice, learning and teaching of others. He regularly practices kundalini kriya yoga, a program of advanced samadhi meditation and linga yoga.
Leonard's experience extends to various fields, such as running the Universal School of Sports, running animation programs (yoga, swimming school, aqua yoga, circuit training,…) in elite hotels in Croatia and India, professor at colleges in training theory and yoga methodology , as well as the creation and management of the Training Program for yoga instructors, verified by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, 2017. year, according to which he trains new yoga instructors every year. He also participated in the EU project as a basketball coach for children and youth with disabilities. He is the author of 4 yoga titles - books / manuals on yoga and health, he also runs a blog on these topics. In addition to teaching yoga, he also deals with therapy through various forms of treatment; thai massage, reiki, etc.
Leonardo has been teaching yoga for over 15 years in a unique, interesting and motivating way, always with a smile. His philosophy is that yoga is always in the service of man and as such adaptable to absolutely everyone. At the same time, children, complete beginners as well as advanced students, and people with more serious health conditions can be found in his classes. The experience of one student speaks best about that.
I have practiced yoga before but Leo’s patient and personalized approach was not common. I especially want to emphasize the cheerfulness to which he encouraged us without fear that his team will "spend" it! Honesty and ease of working with practitioners of great age and all other differences indicates love for man - the greatest human virtue. - VK

Sanja Gospodnetić,
mag. oec., yoga & Belly dance instructor
Sanja has been dedicated to dancing since she was a child. She encounters yoga during her student days, and yoga becomes a great complement to her dance. Through his personal practice, he masters the perfect methodology and systematic mastery of certain yoga positions. He upgrades his yoga knowledge with the Divine Health Program in Divine Energy Park in 2011. and soon became his certified instructor. He is also completing a Tibetan Reiki Master's degree.
At the Divine Yoga Studio, he is completing a 300-hour yoga instructor training program.
The first yoga style he encountered in high school was yin yoga, which he has been passionately practicing ever since, and he passes on his experience through regular live and online yin classes. A style completely opposite to yin yoga, Vinyasa flow is also part of her personal practice as well as teaching.
She has been doing belly dancing for over 10 years. With a certificate for Belly Dance College Instructor at Belly Dance College, she has completed many Belly Dance Workshops, from Egyptian, Turkish, ATS, ITS, Tribal Fusion, Indian Fusion BD, American Cabaret and others…
In addition to various styles of belly dancing, Sanja likes to combine other dances such as flamenco dance…
She is most inspired by passing on knowledge to others and inspiring women to learn to love and listen to their own bodies.
Sanja runs regular Fusion Belly classes and workshops

Divine hatha yoga is a part of 2500 years. the ancient system of the royal Raja yoga Gurudeva Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimatha, brought to the west by Swami Urgaya and in which energy (shaktipat) is transmitted during practice, and healing occurs on all 7 levels of the aura.

He dedicated his life to helping people. During the 50 years of his work, Swamiji Nasimath has healed thousands of people and with his blessing has helped them to rise economically, socially and spiritually. Many, scientists, politicians and leaders of India come to him for advice and help. It is a great inspiration to many living saints in India. He passed on his knowledge and tradition to Swami Urgaya.
He founded Ekam Satyam (ONE TRUTH) to spread peace, love, knowledge and the message of unity. His life and teachings are simple and unique.
His desire is to raise awareness in people and free them from the limits and illusions of the mind, to lead them towards the path of development, humanity, kindness, love and happiness.
The spirituality he teaches is based on pure science and working on ourselves.
Listen to the Guru, work hard, become healthy,
calm and nurture a positive mind pray, are the foundation of his philosophy.
If we follow these guidelines, we will know ourselves, our Soul, and finally God. Realization of the Self
it will free us from all suffering, pain and illusion. Then we will begin to act in accordance with the laws of nature, and then we will develop and achieve all that
we want. Gurus believe in worshiping, protecting and preserving Mother Nature.
Nature is a beautiful and beautiful protector of all beings in the world, a provider of oxygen and all the needs of all beings. He wants people to be aware of its importance and to unite to stop the pollution of streams, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
Swami Urgaya has met and learned from many spiritual teachers since 1987. He spent 12 years with world-renowned yogi and Maharishi teacher Mahesh Yogi. 2000 he founded the organization "Heavenly Flower" and works and teaches meditation and other techniques of self-development. In 2002, he met Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimath, who imparted energy and ancient knowledge of breathing techniques, meditation, ancient medicine, Lakshmi puja (blessing for prosperity and abundance), and in 2004. together they founded the Divine Energy Park organization as it is today. In 2007, Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimath proclaimed Swami Urgaya Jagad Guru (World Spiritual Teacher) at the International Peace Conference in Karnataka. In 2010, after retreating into deep meditations, Swami Urgaya presented a vision of “Birds of Paradise” that becomes a symbol of DEP, representing universal love, compassion and peace. Its appearance is a symbol of the creation of the Golden Age without suffering in which unity, prosperity and peace reign. His wish is for all the people of this world to unite in this idea and for a new age to be created together, an age without disease and suffering. Over the past 30 years, he has taught over 300,000 people across Europe, India and Indonesia. Since 2009 educates teachers who further spread this message and knowledge.