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Divine yoga is an ancient system of yoga according to the 2500-year-old tradition of Paradise of the royal yoga of Gurudeva Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimath, which Swami Urgaya transmitted to the West. When practicing Divine Yoga, energy is transferred and healing occurs on all 7 levels of the aura.

Elements of Divine Hatha Yoga


Energizing the mind, spirit and body through the sound of OM & other ancient mantras in Sanskrit.

In this way we strengthen and protect all 7 shells from negative energy ...



The mind is the master of the senses, the breath is the master of the mind ...


In our yoga classes you will get acquainted with numerous and practical breathing techniques ...

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Yoga exercises bring health to all systems; the spine becomes strong and supple, the joints energetically flowing, and the body harmonious.  

You will learn many asanas that are performed in different ways:

a) related to the dynamics of performance, which can be static or dynamic

b) related to the starting position of the exercise (standing, sitting, squatting, various resistances, lying on your stomach or back ()

c) related to function - strengthening, loosening, stretching, twisting or bending forward, backward, twisting, lateral bending, inverse positions, balance exercises…



You will learn to apply simple and powerful yoga tools, which balance the 5 elements and bring health and harmony to the body and mind.

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You will learn ways to maximize relaxation and release triple tension - physical, mental and emotional. One of the powerful techniques is YOGA NIDRA or yogic dream.


We often apply this simple knowledge in our classes - with the help of which you can very quickly and efficiently remove pain and discomfort from a certain region ...

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Concentration and meditation are essential for maintaining inner peace, a focused mind and an unlimited spirit.

with meditation life becomes sweeter.

In our yoga classes you will learn simple ancient techniques such as looking at candles, the sun, breath meditation, mantra, etc ...


Although the living conditions have changed compared to the past, the desire has remained the same, everyone wants health, happiness and enlightenment. No one wants to be in suffering. Gurudev Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimath passed on his knowledge to Swami Urgaya, who systematizes and educates teachers, from the needs of the individual and the frequent psychophysical difficulties (problems of the spine, intestines and excessive acidity of the body) that the individual struggles with in this modern society. All Divine Hatha Yoga instructors have been meditating on Divine Samadhi meditation for many years, thus refining their senses and intuition, in order to maximally adapt yoga to each student - which means - this form of yoga is maximally adaptable to everyone. We always remember that yoga is in the service of man, not the other way around. Also, we already know how much energy can be transferred from point A to point B, and this is another great reason why Divine Hatha Yoga teachers meditate a lot and do advanced practices, to be able to positively energize space, situation and people with their appearance. which they teach.

5 Principles of Divine Hatha Yoga



Connect with the inner Atman, with the inner consciousness, then everything comes effortlessly and by itself - we usually do this through meditation or at the beginning of each hour by intoning the sound of Om and through breathing techniques.

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Principle 2

Always be in sync with your breath - if you can breathe, you can exercise…

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Principle 3

Always find time for sukshma vyayama yoga - it comes first and then all the other asanas - these are exercises for all 5 elements and 3 doshas - they can be done by both old and young as well as healthy and sick. These simple exercises work on the joints, meridians and vital organs, and have no side effects. 


Principle 4

Don’t forget that yoga is in the service of man, not the other way around; therefore, you should never get hurt, listen to yourself and adapt your knowledge to your abilities - yoga is not a competition…


Principle 5

Use visualization in all asanas that are created in the image of animals, but also those others such as mountains, dancers, diamonds, etc. to the awakening of latent qualities and abilities.

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