online divine hatha

You do not have the opportunity to practice live with us
you would like to have quality yoga content and good energy in your home
Then this is the ideal option for you
classes are in eng & cro
we are working via zoom
you can also book a private class (200kn), individual or group

If you are tired and yearn to renew your energy, or you are overstressed and your mind "doesn't stop", this type of yoga is just for you.
Yin yoga is based on the Taoist concept of yin and yang, opposite and complementary principles of nature.
Yin is the STABLE, immobile, hidden aspect … while yang is CHANGEABLE. moving, revealing aspect.
Dear Leo and dear Sanja, thank you for every zoom, we who are thousands of kilometers away know that Yoga with you live is surely the best option. But for us every Tuesday and Thursday that zoom yoga means much more. Even if we don't arrive exactly on time, we know that the recording will arrive at 9 o'clock, so we can do yoga before going to bed or early in the morning before work. Now after a year of zoom yoga, I have to say that we are grateful that you are a part of our lives and also a part of our children's lives. Doing yoga with children is not ideal, but it can be wonderful, emotional and educational. This is more instructive for us than for them. Because in life you will not always have ideal conditions for yoga (peace, silence, the sound of the waves...), so use the time and space you have right now and enjoy yoga. Believe me, in the end you will understand that it is not important what is happening around us, but what is inside us.
- Monika & Stephan

The pandemic brought caution, and shift work brought busyness, but that did not discourage me, on the contrary, it encouraged me to practice yoga every day. And it is truly possible, as you say Leo, every day. Alone, recalling what was learned and live lessons, or with you online on Zoom or recordings. Thanks to online classes, I discovered the benefits of yin yoga, and you, Leo and Sanja, make every class special and interesting. The situation...Leo is talking, and Sanja laughs in the background....many times it led me to comment out loud, forgetting that I was "mute" or even on tape. That can only mean one thing. Every hour of yours, be it online or recorded, is like a live hour for me. And for that, thank you. As they say in the ad.... PRICELESS. - NK
Online yoga is really great for people who have a lot of commitments and cannot limit themselves to an appointment. Leo sends me a video and I do yoga whenever it suits me. When I have the opportunity, I turn on the recording and sometimes I do it in nature with the chirping of birds and the sound of the sea, there really is nothing better than that. Thank you Leo and Sanja - Anita Kalpić
Dear Sanja and Leo, enjoying each of your zoom hours is an escape from all obligations and just time for me. From the comfort of your home, and sometimes even in your pajamas, until you achieve extreme peace with your guidance. Big thanks! - Maida Čelar
When I decided to move from Šibenik, I was sad for several reasons, one of them being that I will no longer go to yoga with Sanja and Leo, but luckily there is also Zoom yoga, which is just as good as a live class. It's also great if you have a tight schedule so you don't have to look at your watch and worry about getting to the studio on time. The recordings are also great because you choose when you will set aside that hour for yourself and do yoga. Leo radiates so much positive energy that he transfers it to you without any problems even through the recording, with him it is not difficult to concentrate even at a distance, I definitely recommend it. It really helps a lot, I can't imagine my life without yoga, I feel like some pieces are in order in my head, I think more clearly, I'm calmer, and otherwise I often have headaches, even when I'm in pain and I come to yoga it really disappears afterwards . - KM
My experience with online yoga is great. Busy work and a lot of life obligations took away the freedom of live training, but that's why the great idea of Leo and Sanja and recordings of online classes is perfect for me. I can turn on the recording of the online class at any time and place and have my own hour of exercise and meditation ... feeling as if I am with them live. I highly recommend it 🥰 - Doris Pilić, physiotherapist

“Yoga video classes are quality the time I dedicate to myself ..
It means a lot to me that during that hour of time I am focused only on myself and my body and thoughts.
I feel very beautiful, focused, calm and energetic after yoga.
I love that feeling of peace and contentment that accompanies me after a yoga class.
And sometimes just a big warm smile from Leo is enough when he shows up on camera and you immediately feel a good vibe. "
"Even though I thought that the environment of the apartment and the neighborhood that is in noise, and the baby in the house to prevent myself from relaxing as much as possible and indulging in this form of work, the exact opposite happened. I did a yoga video together with my elders son, with Leo's instructions. I was pleasantly amazed by the child's focus while doing the exercises, and what surprised me the most was that I relaxed as much as possible during yoga nidra, did a perfect visualization and forgot about every sound from the environment. Due to too many commitments, I don’t get to the yoga class live, so this proved to be an ideal option. I recommend to everyone. "
"Despite all the challenges of the current time, online zoom yoga is one of the most beautiful experiences in the last 1.5 years. Perfectly balanced program of breathing, exercise, concentration that currently lifts the mood and overall physical function. Thank you Leo and Sanja.
"Incredible guidance with a sense of total yoga that brings me to perfect relaxation and understanding the importance of breathing itself."

Tue & Thu
19:15 -20: 15

You become a member after completing the access form. Membership lasts 30 days. You don't have to wait for the "first" of the month to get going. The first hour is HRK 70, if you decide to continue, we will include that HRK 70 in the selected membership fee. Any hours you skip for some reason can be made up within those 30 days. Membership is not transferable to another person. You can pay the membership fee by bank transfer. You can send us a confirmation of payment on WhatsApp or by e-mail.
The data of the association are:
DSR "Divine yoga studio"
IBAN: HR5224070001100502141
Model HR99 or HR02 call the number and enter the date of payment
Payment description - MEMBERSHIP FEE (your name and surname)