Reader experiences ...
Jednu stvar sam pročitala i primijenila. Desila se promjena. Ovaj priručnik je bogatstvo, držim ga na stoliću kraj kreveta! Živa knjiga uvijek aktualna i poučna. -D.B. - Kada čovjek pretoči pokrete univerzuma u riječi, nastane knjiga koja okruni njegovu karijeru i predanost. Dok čitam ove priručnike u mislima čujem glas mojega učitelja i brata koji je uvijek bio uz svih nas kad smo prolazili kroz životne kušnje, drago mi je da je osjetio poriv i odlučio da se taj glas čuje jos dalje do čitatelja koji su kročili putem ujedinjenja materijalnog sa duhovnim. Leonardo me je naučio da je joga oponašanje oblika svete geometrije kroz pokret, ali ne samo to. Mnogi judi stvaraju mentalne barijere misleći da je joga neizvediva za početnika, a ove knjige dokazuju suprotno. Da je joga spoj pokreta, meditacije i disanja koji u konačnici rezultira spajanjem uma i tijela, individualne svijesti sa univerzalnom svijesti. Uz mog brata sam naučio važnost prolaznosti i osmijeha, onog što poklanjamo sebi i u konačnici drugima iz kojih se rađa naša realnost. Na ivici novog doba pred kojima stojimo bez iznimke, ove knjige bi trebale postati kompas kroz život i dio svake kućne biblioteke. One imaju zadaću liječnika, učitelja i utjehe.Nakon čitanja knjiga i prakticiranja divine tehnika, moj život se promjenio u potpunosti i sad živim jogu. Knjige su jedinstvene, osobito priručnik o Divine hatha jogi koji ćemo teško naći na tržištu, a za koji smatram da je summa summarum svega što je bilo, što je i što će biti. Jai Gurudev i hvala Leobi Sanja na godinama pomoći i podrške Mark Mureta - Poštovanje. Knjige su odlične, proširile su mi horizonte. Na disanju još radim ali sam uporna. Iza prve četiri vježbe iz knjige joga mikro pokreta hodam bez šetalice, operem suđe bez stolice, na nogama, ponosna sam na sebe. Hvala na strpljenju i razumijevanju. Sretna sam što sam vas upoznala. Proširit ću moja iskustva s drugim ljudima. Ugodan dan vam želim. Hvala. -G.V. - Knjiga je premoćna. -P.B. - Mislim da nikada nećeš znati koliko dobro pišeš! Pohvale za knjigu! Spoj znanosti, umjetnosti, kulture uz primjesu “onog tvog” i naravno tvoje muze! - Centar zdravlja CORE - Za sad sam je prolistala. Najprije sam se nasmiješila, potom naježila, a onda i suzu pustila…Puno je tu truda, znanja, ljubavi i dobrote…Neka vas s nama, dragi Leo i Sanja. -N. H. K - Veliki sam zaljubljenik u knjige, posebno iz područja joge i duhovnosti. Imam poveću zbirku priručnika iz kojih pokušavam shvatiti jogu… nisam uspjela… sve do vašeg Pozdrava Suncu! Ništa nije značilo do vašeg priručnika. Dar imate definitivno za prenijeti znanje. -R.Š. - Knjiga je očito napisana da se zaljubiš u pozdrav suncu ,a za one koji su upoznati s njim, da dodatno osvijeste njegovu dobrobit i ljepotu. - P. B. - Knjižice su praktične, s lakoćom se čitaju, a ilustracije sve to upotpune.Vježbači su oduševljeni sukshma jogom; da tako naizgled jednostavni pokret našega tijela znače toliko puno. – A. B. INSTRUKTOR JOGE - KADA NETKO TKO NIKADA U ŽIVOTU NIJE RADIO YOGU,OTVORI KNJIGU I POŽELI SVE PROBATI,PRIMJENITI,PRENIJETI, ZNA SE DA KNJIGA OSTAVLJA BEZ DAHA. – A. G. Instruktor fitnesa - Danas je #INTERNATIONALYOGADAY. Okrenite novu stranicu u životu i poklonite si ovu sjajnu knjigu. Kad već ne možemo u Šibeniku s @DIVINE YOGA STUDIO svakog dana vježbati (a vjerujte mi, posebni su), naučit ćete mnogo i učiniti veliku stvar za sebe i one oko vas...@Leonardo Gospodnetić je kineziolog i zna kada i zašto nešto kaže. - Mirna Zidarić .
yin yoga
the practice of stillness, gentleness and inner silence
HRK 200
Format B5, in color, sewn, 168 pages

Dear friend, there is no need to suffer for forest, mountain, sea or river. If you learn to enter yourself through the stillness and silence of yin, you will realize that the Himalayas are your own consciousness, that the sun, sea, forests and mountains are part of you, that the entire universe resides in you. I wish you an unforgettable yin journey into yourself. - Leonardo
Absolutely everything about the wonderful practice of yin yoga, lots of important info about tendons, connective tissue, fascia, stress and nervous system, rejuvenation effect, 3 yin principles, 40 yin yoga positions (illustrations, descriptions of execution, contraindications, benefits and variants), 5 tao exercises, 5 practical breathing techniques, 5 forms of meditation, sequences and positive thoughts... A book for all yoga lovers, trainers, kinesiologists, therapists.

250.00 kn
A4 format, black and white, 490 pages, 100% recycled paper cover

This is a book with over 100 yoga exercises and asanas, their variations, tutorials (step by step, most common mistakes, variations, contraindications, concentration points, important notes), nutrition tips, essential breathing exercises and simple meditation, mudras and gangs …
The book / manual contains a lot of information, both for absolute beginners and for yoga instructors, therapists, kinesiologists, sports coaches…
Through 5 periods of yoga history, there is a story about Gautama Buddha and his life, work and philosophy. There is also the story of Shiva as a yogi and first teacher and 7 rishis… You can also find holistic anatomy, 5 mantles, elements, nadis, fascia, glands, spine, etc. Much has been described about the mind and obstacles of the mind, klesha, patterns, causes suffering, psychology, emotions, etc.
In the asanas I tried to bring closer their effects and mechanisms of action from several levels, so for example in the VAJRASANA group of yoga positions I explain what Vajra nadi is, but also the mechanical effect of pressure on certain meridians…
Full of your experiences… There are also myths and legends behind the cult yoga asanas (Padmasana, Virabhadrasana, Natarajasana, Garudasana, Vasisthasana, etc.), which I believe will deepen your practice and bring in additional magic.
You will find 12 groups of exercises, plus a greeting to the sun (it is described why each group is important in terms of lifestyle, awareness, physiology and emotions), for each exercise is listed how to perform, benefits, common mistakes, additional notes, contraindications, variants (
The book also includes additional programs:
COFFE BREAK YOGA - for all those who "do not" have much time
morning fit program for a flat stomach and good digestion
relaxation program
Rishikesh program

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
- Nelson Mandela
surya namaskar - GREETINGS TO THE SUN
all about the ancient mighty yoga sequence
120.00 kn
A5 format, black and white, 162 pages, 100% recycled paper
e book (pdf) - 70.00 kn

For all lovers of yoga and a healthy lifestyle.
On 162 pages of 100% recycled paper you will find absolutely all the info about this cult yoga sequence;
- from history,
- mythologies and legends about the sun, Rig Veda,
- heliotherapy,
- symbolism of each position and various variants and modifications,
- therapeutic effects as well as advanced forms of performance.
There is also a chapter for children only. There are positive experiences of our students and their experience of this powerful sequence.

Learning is like rowing upstream, as soon as it stops, it immediately moves back.
- Lao tse
sukshma vyayama yoga - yoga of micro-movement
simple yoga exercises for everyone
108.00 kn
Format A 5, color, 108 p.
1st edition e-booklet (pdf) - 70.00 kn

Everything you need to know about this simple but powerful system of yoga exercises… Everything about joints, movements, etc.… The foundation of hatha yoga, a very effective therapeutic system of exercises…
Did you know that in the last 10 years, the number of yoga injuries has increased by 80%? The reason is ignorance and inadequate preparation of joints…
This book is intended for absolutely everyone, whether you are a complete beginner, an advanced-experienced yoga practitioner or you teach yoga, and you want to expand your horizons. The book is intended for everyone who wants to improve the quality of their life and feel comfortable and light in their body.
It is ideal for physical education and health professors and sports coaches because it provides a complete insight into general preparatory exercises and greatly reduces the possibility of injury to athletes.
It will help top athletes maintain a fit body and joints, thus prolonging their sports careers.
Physiotherapists, reiki practitioners and bioenergetics will strengthen the joints and give good energy flow in these regions / joints, and increase the quality of treatment, but also the power of regeneration.
It will enrich and enrich the trainings for sports recreation lovers.
a problem of today’s society
the importance of joints and energy
joints, ligaments, fascia (types of joints, movements and maximum amplitude of movement in a particular joint)
proper yoga breathing
the benefits of sukshma exercises
warm-up exercises for the whole organism
neck and head
elbows and shoulders
hips, groin, knees, ankles and feet
eye exercises
complete relaxation (visualization) and breathing through the joints
a short program of standing exercises
The book is filled with both positive thoughts and spiritual wisdom.