Wonderful energy. It is a real blessing to have Leo as a teacher. The expertise and selfless knowledge he shares is hard to find. Thank you. TT
After visiting many "famous" and popular yoga studios in Zagreb, Divine in Šibenik is truly something different and it is immediately noticeable that it is not just a job but a style and way of life. Always ready to help - physically in the studio - to subordinate the whole hour to you, as well as selfless guidance and giving advice through messages and messengers. I think Leo is more than a yoga instructor, and thank him and Sanja for everything. All praise and full lungs and heart forward! I hope this is the beginning of a great and wonderful story! -THEM
Dear Sanja and Leo are full of desire to selflessly share their knowledge, and most of all the positive energy with which they radiate. The classes are instructive, fun, the exercises are sometimes just not easy, but no one comes out after class without a wide smile on their face. -TB
Online yoga for me is a unique experience because in the lack of time to stay home, and having yoga online with Sanja and Leo is really invaluable. Despite that, Leo is always there, available to help if his ear, back, etc. hurts, but also when he tightens his heart and soul.
Thanks to Sanja and Leo for their sincere commitment.- AK
When we are gripped by problems, we become aware and set out in search of a better-healthier life. After a herniated disc and instructions for surgery, I decided to try to take matters into my own hands. My back hurt a lot. I watched the basketball players jump and I thought - when will I be able to jump again ?? I came to the divine yoga studio for physical health, and came out with something much bigger. A holistic approach to healing and life led me to complete physical healing and mental progress. Today I jump, physically I can do more than ever, and mentally I turned more towards myself - nothing selfish, quite dark. Health outside and inside! - А.Ш.
My first impression of the Divine yoga studio is positive energy, selfless sharing of advice related to maintaining health. Charismatic and always smiling Leo and self-effacing Sanja. MV
Dear Leo and Sanja, it has been 1 year since I first came to you. You changed my life by more than 360! I came hunched over physically and mentally. slowly and uncertainly watching, listening and learning in every class in so many things I found myself. your pain. Today, I look forward to our socializing every hour with joy and happiness. From a stiff body full of disease and surgery, yoga has brought me significant flexibility. From the inability to perform a bunch of exercises to the performance of almost everyone so far. Since I have the most back problems, all the joint exercises helped me a lot. Exercises such as the position of the child for stiffness, the triangle for neck and shoulder pain, the small bridge for the back, the pigeon for sciatica..and many many others..was allowed me to give my body attention, help and care with relief immediately without medication and insomnia because of the pain. From now on I walk upright forever with a smile on my face. Eternally grateful to you. - AZ
I tried yoga for the first time in my late forties and it is quite clear that enough had accumulated by then - invisible to the eye and brain undefined obstacles and barriers. Some of them have already received an official diagnosis, supported by an explanation "according to your age". My age? !!!
I have been practicing yoga for three years now with an emphasis on REGULAR, and every hour (still) is a new challenge for me that I look forward to, still pushing my limits and getting to know myself (regardless of age). If I ever thought yoga before - "when you perform yoga asanas" - I was completely wrong. Thanks to Sanja and Leo, their dedication, patience and above all the support they give me, I learned that "doing" yoga means mastering yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation or so my life has taken on a new dimension in which attention to the present without thinking about the past or a future in a relaxed, healthier and more flexible body.
If yoga is a journey, Lao Tzu said, "A good traveler has no fixed plans and no intention of arriving."
Thanks Sanja! Thanks Leo! Namaste! - К.Ч.
After the first symptoms of autoimmune diseases, it became clear to me that solving the problem should be approached systematically and holistically, because after knocking on many doors of doctors' offices, I came to the conclusion that official medicine often treats the symptom and does not touch the cause. The first step was to raise immunity and at that time an announcement of a workshop at DYS appeared on one of the social networks. Not knowing what to expect, I signed up in the pleasant atmosphere and patient guidance of Leo and Sanja after a two-day course. I learned breathing techniques that are so simple and so transformative for the general well-being that it's hard to describe the first effects except superlatives.
All great things have small and simple beginnings, but it is no small thing to teach a man how to breathe life back. - Д.Ж.
I took a break from running last week and did yoga from your videos every day. Yesterday was nice weather, I did your stretching exercises and went jogging a bit because I enjoyed it. So, nothing hurt me, not even the leg I operated on (last year, after 4 years in my ankle, I took out the titanium they put on me in New Zealand ... I couldn't run for 4 years and walk properly), or back. I usually run 3 km or 4, yesterday I ran that distance with proper breathing, I didn't get tired, so I did 1 more lap, which means about 7 km without a break, without fatigue.
I don't know if it was yoga or c - m- k divine detox last week ... Probably all together. - MS
After many years of resistance, I breathed a sigh of relief with the patient team of Divine Studios. She breathed physically, but also mentally. And you know what ... I may sound crazy, but everything is somehow better and everything is somehow easier when a man finally breathes ... - ME
Great teachers, lip, comfortable space, and the possibility of combining dance and yoga classes at personal request. - MS
I have practiced yoga before but Leo’s patient and personalized approach was not common. I especially want to emphasize the cheerfulness to which he encouraged us without fear that his team will "spend" it! Honesty and ease of working with practitioners of great age and all other differences indicates love for man - the greatest human virtue. - VK
Let me finally tell you how yoga has changed my life. I have to say that practicing with you has taught me patience, I would rather always practice speed just to do it and take off the fat, and with you it was no longer an important goal but a journey. I was much more focused and calmer and most importantly I continued to practice on my own. !! Pozz from me and mom! -MM
Dear Leo, one of the greatest benefits of our "socializing" would certainly highlight the knowledge of the power of the breath and awareness of the importance of proper breathing skills. Although I had practiced yoga before and was familiar with the importance of proper breathing, I understood them rather superficially and was more focused on the physical manifestation and performance of the exercises themselves, or asanas. Practicing breathing techniques such as Bhastrika and KapalBhati, which I have never encountered before, proved to me how much energy can be replenished in 10 minutes of exercise so that after training she would come home in a very good mood, happy and ready to do boring and hard housework (which is not customary, hehe). However, I also noticed that a good feeling does not last long because of new obligations, daily chases for which as soon as possible, returns stress, anxiety, etc. Therefore, you should set aside those 10 minutes for yourself and introduce them as regular hygiene. I'm not saying I'm succeeding, I often skip it, but I'm still trying ....
Thanks Leo!
ps Your positive energy was addictive! - KB
In short, I can confirm that I am a better person towards myself and others, with a sincere and open heart. A lot of small details have changed, I could write for hours better and better ... I am more in the present moment, my thoughts are more positive, everything is much easier for me to solve. When I look back a lot the dream has passed. Regarding you, you simply radiate with such a linden energy with which you attract people around you, you feel your loyalty, sincerity for help and the love you send to everyone, something indescribably beautiful. Grateful dream on the occasion of what dream you met and briefly socialized and absorbed knowledge. Sanja is a great instructor, as much as she would relax I couldn’t concentrate on the number of repetitions in yoga, I can say that yoga with Sanja was wonderful to me and it worked like meditation, perfect! :)))
For all the changes that have happened to me in a positive sense, Sanja is quite responsible. - LB
Hello Leo, thank you for your breathing techniques, exercises that I feel are very useful, improve my life on all levels. Breathing techniques have a strong influence on the physical, mental and spiritual level of a person. My mind through purification techniques, exercises and meditation becomes purified, calm, removes tension from the body, I feel calm and happy.
Thank you for the knowledge you have given us! -IB
I generally avoid personal statuses but this time I will make an exception for the sake of the people to whom I owe eternal gratitude. After months of hospitals, doctors, specialists ... I was finally diagnosed with being healthy. There is no end to my happiness. Dizziness, stress and hospitals are finally behind me, hopefully forever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the wonderful people from Divina YOGA Studio and a special thank you to the best teachers Leo and Sanja, because without your advice, guidance and support none of this would have happened. Thank you for your positive energy. I hope we hang out at a lot more training sessions. You deserve my admiration for everything you do. - Б.Ж.
Through yoga I realized how complex we all are, I began to experience my body in a completely different way, I became aware of every part of myself that I did not know, I learned to accept myself fully, I began to live now, respecting the laws of the universe and primarily my thoughts , and most importantly, I started educating myself from the beginning, giving myself all the understanding of the world. Leo, as a teacher, brought me closer to this world in a practical, cheerful and easy to learn way, inspiring each of us, and making each, every training different, and taking care of the special problems of each of us. And thank him for that! Such knowledge and experience is for life. - MP
Yoga…. what she means to me and how it all started…
The encounter with yoga happened by accident, honestly and I don’t remember be true, but it was a process that took years just like this my current typing about her. I have been talking to myself for years, I have to write a review of this experience, but I was not ready… let's put it this way… otherwise, even before understanding yoga, I was a child who enjoyed things like understanding myself, etc. I may not know exactly currently pronounced, but I know I was a freak for the rest of the team, family and the like.
The first meeting was a spontaneous conversation over a family lunch where my "cousin" Josip from Zagreb mentioned yoga to me because he thought I was just like that (I don't know what made him think that way). and he mentioned it to me in the context: "Oh, you have Leo in Šibenik, he's great", and somehow we exchanged a few sentences that he may not even be aware of how much they impressed me. When I came to Šibenik I went to find that super Leo on Fb and I went…. in the studio I was greeted by a guy with a huge smile, who patiently listened to my every "I can't do this to you" etc., and reassured me every time. In time, you begin to believe in yourself, in your body, and you realize, "I can do anything!"
In the beginning, I had individual lessons, because then I thought: "there is no chance that I will catch anything, I can do absolutely nothing but pretend to be dead on the floor" „ The classes were very interesting… with exercise I got a lot of information about how my body reacts when performing an exercise, how different breathing techniques affect the body and mind (which is very important to me personally, because I enjoy such knowledge and you become aware of how much we are magnificent). After the yoga class, we all collectively felt "energetic", everyone's eyes would be glazed. I would say that a yoga class would set us up to a frequency of happiness, and that is just one of the positive things that happens to me every time after exercising, after deep yoga breathing and the like.
In addition to all of the above, I am also a chronic patient, suffering from cystic fibrosis, which means that all the organs in my body are damaged and everyone needs pharmacological support for my body to "function". Lungs are the most damaged… As I have spent my whole life on spare drugs that damage each other while treating each other, I found myself in a vicious circle with about 25 years. i felt my body age rapidly and yes I'm losing control of my body…
At the hospital they put me on a lung transplant treatment that was only 28% in function and my whole body was very stiff, anxious actually, my whole body was in constant spasm. Everything was physically very difficult for me and I was aware of every movement because it was a big challenge for me.
Today 4 years. later I have 46% lung function, my body is still not goddamn flexible and I find myself funny while exercising, but I am happy and fulfilled because I have qualified for life. As my health grew, so did I grow, developing in spirit and body. Now in my 29s. my disease has been brought under control, it is there, it has not disappeared, but it is under control and therefore I function, I work, today I am someone's wife, I am currently writing my final paper and I am soon officially a pharmacist… somehow everything came to its own… the fact that my lungs are only 46% sounds small, maybe to some my "progress" seems small when viewed as a kind of graphic representation, but it's just numbers. To make it easier to visualize => a person with less than 30% lung capacity plans to go to the toilet, showering is one of the worst actions because everything evaporates and it creates additional pressure on the lungs and O2 drops and is on oxygen therapy (receives oxygen 24 hours a day) , a person from 30 to 40% is already functioning to some extent, but gets tired quickly, etc. and a person from 40% and more may already have cardio training, for example, is able to run for a shorter period…
The fact is that healthy people use only 30% of their lung capacity so I’m here somewhere now.