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28th TUESDAY YOGA CLASS - WEB READY_31_edited.jpg


Divine Yoga is an ancient system of yoga in the 2500 year old tradition of Raja Royal Yoga of Gurudev Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimath which was brought to the West by Swami Urgaya. When practicing Divine Yoga, energy is transferred and healing occurs on all 7 levels of the aura.

Greetings everyone, 

if you are here, it means that yoga has left a deep impression in your life. We believe that you want to share all its benefits  that you have experienced with others. For me and Sanja, there is nothing more beautiful than teaching. We have dedicated our lives to just that, and in this unique 300-hour course, we want to share our many years of teaching experience and knowledge with you. We carry on the ancient tradition of 2500 years of raja (royal) yoga handed down to us by Swami Urgaya and Shri Shivakumar Swamiji Nasimath.  This kind of program is a combination of ancient tradition and modern science. Divine yoga is primarily therapeutic,  it is functional and adaptable to everyone.  We are not interested in excessive exhibitionism, we adore simplicity and practicality. Teaching in this way for over 15 years, along with your feedback,   we have become convinced of the effectiveness and power of this knowledge and this way of working. The Divine Yoga system has numerous tools; The 3 basic ones are: yoga, psychophysical exercises (asanas and kriyas), breathing techniques and meditation. There are also   and positive affirmations, knowledge about massage and self-massage, acupressure, tapping and marma therapy, omkara and mantra yoga, mudrams and bandhams,  working with crystals and Tibetan bowls, as well as concentration and relaxation techniques.

With this training program, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a good organization of yoga training, applying modern principles and rules of sports training as well as teaching methods. Also, you will gain knowledge about the proper performance of all types of exercises, and the proper design and design of yoga class exercises for individual population groups... This education will also become your transformative experience, a journey to a completely new dimension of yourself and yoga... Professional training program for Instructor jobs / ice YOGA, approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, and we implement it in cooperation with POU Libar Šibenik.

300-hour program VERIFIED BY THE MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION OF THE ROC, the diploma/certificate of qualification for a yoga instructor is included in the work book and enables teaching yoga and working in accordance with the law and regulations.


Although there are opinions among certain circles of yoga instructors that this ancient science of exercise does not belong to sports, the fact is that all physical recreation with citizens is covered by the Law on Sports and that the Sports Inspectorate supervises yoga centers/studios. According to the Law on Sports, the implementation of which has been controlled by the Sports Inspection since the summer of 2013, recreation with citizens, regardless of their status (employee, volunteer, member) can ONLY be conducted by a kinesiologist, bacc. coach or person trained in a certified program by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. Foreign courses and licenses of any kind (eg yoga alliance, etc.) do not meet the stated legal requirements!

Financial sanctions for individuals who do not have the appropriate training amount to HRK 15,000.00, responsible persons up to HRK 30,000.00, and for legal entities (clubs, fitness centers, studios), up to HRK 100,000.00, including the possibility of work ban.


who is this course / program for...

  • for everyone who already conducts citizen recreation and wants to verify their knowledge and meet the legal framework

  • everyone who wants to spread yoga and help others

  • yoga lovers who want to train to lead yoga and thus turn their hobby into a business or an additional source of income

  • yoga enthusiasts who may not have the intention of teaching right now, but are interested in a transformative experience and wealth of knowledge

  • people who want to retrain in a highly sought-after occupation with an exceptional perspective of development in the near future

  • sports clubs and societies, fitness centers, pilates and yoga studios or centers, animation houses that want to train their employees

  • kinesiologists, sports trainers, physiotherapists who want to experience yoga in a holistic way, and its spiritual aspect 

  • reikiists, bioenergetics and everyone who already works with energy and wants to complete their work with yoga tools

  • RYT yoga teachers who want to work in Croatia in accordance with the legal framework

teaching units

  • basics of functional anatomy and physiology

  • basics of sports psychology and communication

  • methodology of teaching yoga

  • basics of yoga practice theory

  • basics of kinesiology methodology

  • occupational safety, fire protection and first aid

  • Practical classes

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Within the units you will learn many additional topics such as

ॐ history, philosophy of yoga and yoga principles of life

ॐ holistic anatomy - 5 sheaths, chakras, nadis, meridians, marmas & fascia

ॐ yogic healing - how ancient yogis heal with prana 

ॐ principles of yoga nutrition

ॐ work with children

ॐ application of techniques  thai massage in yoga

ॐ basic principles and practices of yin & vinyasa flow yoga

ॐ how to work online

ॐ application of yoga in tourism 

ॐ plank yoga - sup yoga

ॐ business aspect of yoga - communication & organization

enrollment conditions

  • over 18 years of age

  • completed a minimum of four years of high school

  • conversation with the presenter (Sanja and Leonardo Gospodnetić)

  • experience of regular yoga practice and a letter of recommendation from the teacher/leader/instructor where you worked

location, duration & price

  • DSR Divine Yoga Studio Šibenik

  • 300 hours, classes on weekends; the possibility of the theoretical part online


  • HRK 9,000 (€1,195) one time

  • HRK 10,000 (€1,328) in installments

  • the program starts in the spring of 2023.

Assisted Camel Pose

mogućnost neformalne edukacije

  • ukoliko već imate formalnu edukaciju, a želite dopuniti svoje znanje i vještine

  • ukoliko želite odslušati samo određene teme ili pak cijeli program tečaja

  • ukoliko niste joga instruktor i ne želite to biti, ali želite produbiti svoje vlastito znanje, praksu i iskustvo joge


  • 1000 € cijeli program tečaja

  •   265 € cjelina

Yoga Stretch


application form

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what the participants say


I finished my yoga instructor training under the guidance of kinesiologist and yoga teacher Leonard Gospodnetić with valuable knowledge and rich experience. I would especially emphasize the extensive knowledge and experience of the lecturer, as well as the great love and effort to transfer that knowledge. The dedication and patience of the lecturer, to go through all the details, information and questions related to yoga with the participants of the education. The lessons were dynamic and fun, full of examples and included the active participation of the participants. The atmosphere was always relaxed and fun, and the lecturer was always smiling. :)

My education prepared me for teaching yoga, i.e. for working with people. Especially how to help people feel better, healthier and more satisfied in their bodies.

Ksenija Tadić, yoga & fitness instructor

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When you already have experience in independent practice and teaching others... But you need something else, that additional aspect of education to be completely confident in what you do and teach others... And that's exactly what you get at this school for instructors, both theoretically and experientially... It matters a lot who imparts knowledge to you, because many times you come across a lecturer who is just an empty presentation of himself, without the real cover... 
Leo is exactly the opposite, a person who has knowledge, many years of  experience with various profiles of people, an inexhaustible desire to teach and help others... When you combine an excellent teacher and a systematic program, you really get a yoga school for life....

- Sanja Gospodnetić, mag. oec, belly dance & yoga instructor, manager of Divine Yoga Studio Šibenik

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I finished my yoga instructor training under the guidance of kinesiologist and yoga teacher Leonard Gospodnetić with valuable knowledge and rich experience. I would especially emphasize the extensive knowledge and experience of the lecturer, as well as the great love and effort to transfer that knowledge. The dedication and patience of the lecturer, to go through all the details, information and questions related to yoga with the participants of the education. The lessons were dynamic and fun, full of examples and included the active participation of the participants. The atmosphere was always relaxed and fun, and the lecturer was always smiling. :)

My education prepared me for teaching yoga, i.e. for working with people. Especially how to help people feel better, healthier and more satisfied in their bodies.

Ksenija Tadić, yoga & fitness instructor

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Lecturer Leonardo Gospodnetić is one of the reasons why I would recommend this course to everyone. In addition to being extremely sweet and lovable, he is extremely expert in imparting knowledge. He presented the subject to us through everyday life and   made learning it much easier. Even after completing the education, we continued to work together, both professionally and privately.

- Adisa Gergić, yoga and fitness instructor and state champion in powerlifting in the open category up to 84 kilograms

how was it for us in the past educations

what after...

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